Garden Maintenance

    En Costa Rica es posible encontrar toda una gama de abonos químicos, de gran efectividad cuando se requieren efectos rápidos en las plantas.

    Pero en nuestras labores de mantenimiento de jardines, recomendamos la utilización de abonos orgánicos, que brindan toda una serie de beneficios, como el mejoramiento de la porosidad del suelo y su capacidad de retención de agua.

    El responsable del jardín debe estar atento a adquirir sólo abonos orgánicos de calidad, para evitar la contaminación con semillas de malezas, hongos, plagas o metales dañinos.

    In Costa Rica it is possible to find a whole range of chemical fertilizers, highly effective when quick effects on plants are required. However, in our garden maintenance work, we recommend the use of organic fertilizers, which provide a whole series of benefits, such as improving the porosity of the soil and its water retention capacity. The garden manager must be careful to purchase only quality organic fertilizers, to avoid contamination with weed seeds, fungi, pests or harmful metals.

    It will always be advisable to fertilize from less to more and to do it in small doses on multiple occasions and at the right time.

    It is important to lower the pH dissolved in the irrigation water and the substrates of the containers and hence the importance of using biodegradable mulch, to maintain humidity and lower the temperature of the soil, during the summer seasons.

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